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Tuesday 21 April 2015

Indian Custom Duty on LCD TV

36.05% Taxes on LCD / LED / PLASMA 

The goods over and above the free allowances of 25K (which includes electronics and jewellery - excluding one laptop) shall be chargeable at more then 35% customs duty - you need to pay duty on anything exceeding 25K

Too many people are asking what K stands for ?
K stands for thousand
Example 25K means 25 x 1000 = 25000

If you take it when you Return to India for Good, you will pay only 15% duty under Transfer of Residence

Lets say you bought a TV costing 35000 Indian Rupees and you have other Rs 10000 worth of duty items (
excluding one laptop) So total Cost will be 35K + 10K = 45K. Out of this 25K is free allowances each person so you will end up paying duty on 20K

Allowances cannot be pooled, even among family members.

Reciepts / Bills / Invoice ?
Always it is good to have receipts ready or you will end up paying customs duty for somewhat arbitrary value for the TV, fixed by the india customs

The duty is assessed on the "value" of the goods rather than the figure that may be written on any "invoice" produced by the importer. Customs have a database which is used to assess the value so underdeclaring value to avoid duty doesn't work anymore.

Do not try to bribe a customs officer to avoid the duty.
The penalties for being caught initiating a bribe are quite significant and unpleasant nowadays. You will have to tackle Indian customs on your own and if you have the knack and know how to deal with them, you can get away easily, else, you pay through your nose.

Voltage and Frequency differencesIndian power voltage is 240 volts while the United States has 115 volts ... you may need voltage converter and a plug adapter
Which brand/model will work in India?
I want to buy a TV only after I am sure that it will work there.
The Digital broadcast standard selected by India is DVB-T while that in the U.S., it's ATSC. Analogue standards (PAl and NTSC) are incompatible too. Make sure the USA bought TV will work in India.
LCD TVs prices in India are very expensive compared to US.
My parents are visiting us in the US right now. They want to take a 32" LCD TV back to India....... Is it Worth It ?

Some models of the TV's and Blue Ray Players now are multi Region (NTSC/ATSC/PAL/QAM)

When You use a SET-UP Box with HDMI Output (Reliance Big TV / SUN Direct / Airtel) you don't have to worry about PAL / NTSC cause they all relay DIGITAL Signal.

If you're planning to use this "LCD TV" as a computer monitor, then you can consider taking it to India.

Airlines will not charge anything additional, other than what they charge for an extra box/package as shipped with your baggage. (airlines cover it if its lost and not if it is broken)

You get good LCD TVs in India which will work with Indian PAL standard and 240 volts and you'll get local warranty as well as support too.

Is It Risky To Carry A LCD TV In Airline Luggage? Can It Be Damaged? 
It can be risky! You can request that they label it fragile upon checking the item it. This does not guarantee it will arrive unharmed.

They may not allow you to check it in once you share its contents.

Should they allow, it still must meet the airline’s baggage requirements.

Most, if not all airlines, restrict baggage weight and size.

Baggage over 70lbs are restricted and if allowed you will be charged a set amount.

They also have restrictions based on length and height.

Transport LCD TVThe absolute best way to transport an LCD TV is in the original box with the original styrofoam forms that protected it
 - If its in the original packing, it should be able to survive the journeyAssuming you can't do that, your best bet is to pack it as firmly as possible around the back, sides, and only the frame in front. Have nothing pressing on the screen itself.

You get good LCD TVs in India which will work with Indian standard and 240 volts and you'll get local warranty as well as support too.

There is no point in buying in US and taking it to India. Simply too many hassles.

We get so many postings that unfortunately, it will not be possible to respond to you individually.

India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages

India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
Red Label Johnnie Walker / Chivas Regal

Free Allowance on Alcoholic drinks

How many liquor bottles allowed to carry from abroad ?Alcoholic liquor or wines upto 2 litres can be bought without paying duty

Alcoholic drinks and Tobacco products imported in excess of the free allowance are charged to duty at the rates applicable to their commercial imports and not at the usual baggage duty rate. 

The approximate rates of duty for these items:

Wine/Beer/Champagne upto USD $25 per case* :- 260.6% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - upto USD $ 10 per case* : 547% of the CIF value.
over USD $10 to $20 per case* : 416.12% of the CIF value.

Wine/Beer/Champagne over USD $25 and upto $40 per case* :- 208.06% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - over USD $20 to $40 per case* : 286.34% of the CIF value.

Alcoholic Drinks over USD $40 per case* :
Wine/Beer/Champagne - 146.26% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - 234.84% of the CIF value.

* 1 case = 9 litre. Pro-rata calculation to be made to determine value where the beverage comes in packages other than cases.

Looks like Indian Liquor Lobby is very Powerful

India Custom's Tariff

Baggage Definition The term "Baggage" is defined as "Baggage that includes unaccompanied baggage but does not include motor vehicles". A passenger (tourist) is required to comply with certain provisions of the Indian Customs Law. The owner of any baggage shall, for the purpose of clearing it make a declaration of its contents to the customs officer (no written declaration is needed and oral declaration is usually acceptable).

The rate of duty and tariff valuation, if any, applicable to the baggage shall be the rate and valuation in force on the date, on which a declaration is made in respect of such baggage. In respect of the goods personally brought in by the passengers it means approximately the retail price of the goods paid abroad (always carry the original invoice/bill to settle the disputes).
  • India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
    The approximate rates of duty for these items:

  • Taking LCD TV to India : Indian Custom Duty on LCD TV
A tourist is a passenger....
  • Who is not normally a resident in India.
  • Who enters India for a stay of not more than six months in the course of any twelve months period for legitimate non-immigrant purposes, such as - touring, recreation, sports, health, family reasons, study, religious pilgrimage or business.

The prerequisites for treating any articles or goods as baggage is that they were in use of the passenger or were brought and paid for by the passenger.

Personal and household effects are treated as baggage and can be imported freely without any restriction as to the value of the goods. However they should be imported in reasonable quantities. Goods in commercial quantities may be allowed to be imported as baggage based on the merits of the case.

India is making a concerted effort to make the airport experience a better one than historically; this includes attempting to make immigration/emigration and customs procedures simpler and more friendly. 
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Item Reviewed: Indian Custom Duty on LCD TV 9 out of 10 based on 10 ratings. 9 user reviews.
/ / Unlabelled / Indian Custom Duty on LCD TV

36.05% Taxes on LCD / LED / PLASMA 

The goods over and above the free allowances of 25K (which includes electronics and jewellery - excluding one laptop) shall be chargeable at more then 35% customs duty - you need to pay duty on anything exceeding 25K

Too many people are asking what K stands for ?
K stands for thousand
Example 25K means 25 x 1000 = 25000

If you take it when you Return to India for Good, you will pay only 15% duty under Transfer of Residence

Lets say you bought a TV costing 35000 Indian Rupees and you have other Rs 10000 worth of duty items (
excluding one laptop) So total Cost will be 35K + 10K = 45K. Out of this 25K is free allowances each person so you will end up paying duty on 20K

Allowances cannot be pooled, even among family members.

Reciepts / Bills / Invoice ?
Always it is good to have receipts ready or you will end up paying customs duty for somewhat arbitrary value for the TV, fixed by the india customs

The duty is assessed on the "value" of the goods rather than the figure that may be written on any "invoice" produced by the importer. Customs have a database which is used to assess the value so underdeclaring value to avoid duty doesn't work anymore.

Do not try to bribe a customs officer to avoid the duty.
The penalties for being caught initiating a bribe are quite significant and unpleasant nowadays. You will have to tackle Indian customs on your own and if you have the knack and know how to deal with them, you can get away easily, else, you pay through your nose.

Voltage and Frequency differencesIndian power voltage is 240 volts while the United States has 115 volts ... you may need voltage converter and a plug adapter
Which brand/model will work in India?
I want to buy a TV only after I am sure that it will work there.
The Digital broadcast standard selected by India is DVB-T while that in the U.S., it's ATSC. Analogue standards (PAl and NTSC) are incompatible too. Make sure the USA bought TV will work in India.
LCD TVs prices in India are very expensive compared to US.
My parents are visiting us in the US right now. They want to take a 32" LCD TV back to India....... Is it Worth It ?

Some models of the TV's and Blue Ray Players now are multi Region (NTSC/ATSC/PAL/QAM)

When You use a SET-UP Box with HDMI Output (Reliance Big TV / SUN Direct / Airtel) you don't have to worry about PAL / NTSC cause they all relay DIGITAL Signal.

If you're planning to use this "LCD TV" as a computer monitor, then you can consider taking it to India.

Airlines will not charge anything additional, other than what they charge for an extra box/package as shipped with your baggage. (airlines cover it if its lost and not if it is broken)

You get good LCD TVs in India which will work with Indian PAL standard and 240 volts and you'll get local warranty as well as support too.

Is It Risky To Carry A LCD TV In Airline Luggage? Can It Be Damaged? 
It can be risky! You can request that they label it fragile upon checking the item it. This does not guarantee it will arrive unharmed.

They may not allow you to check it in once you share its contents.

Should they allow, it still must meet the airline’s baggage requirements.

Most, if not all airlines, restrict baggage weight and size.

Baggage over 70lbs are restricted and if allowed you will be charged a set amount.

They also have restrictions based on length and height.

Transport LCD TVThe absolute best way to transport an LCD TV is in the original box with the original styrofoam forms that protected it
 - If its in the original packing, it should be able to survive the journeyAssuming you can't do that, your best bet is to pack it as firmly as possible around the back, sides, and only the frame in front. Have nothing pressing on the screen itself.

You get good LCD TVs in India which will work with Indian standard and 240 volts and you'll get local warranty as well as support too.

There is no point in buying in US and taking it to India. Simply too many hassles.

We get so many postings that unfortunately, it will not be possible to respond to you individually.

India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages

India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
Red Label Johnnie Walker / Chivas Regal

Free Allowance on Alcoholic drinks

How many liquor bottles allowed to carry from abroad ?Alcoholic liquor or wines upto 2 litres can be bought without paying duty

Alcoholic drinks and Tobacco products imported in excess of the free allowance are charged to duty at the rates applicable to their commercial imports and not at the usual baggage duty rate. 

The approximate rates of duty for these items:

Wine/Beer/Champagne upto USD $25 per case* :- 260.6% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - upto USD $ 10 per case* : 547% of the CIF value.
over USD $10 to $20 per case* : 416.12% of the CIF value.

Wine/Beer/Champagne over USD $25 and upto $40 per case* :- 208.06% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - over USD $20 to $40 per case* : 286.34% of the CIF value.

Alcoholic Drinks over USD $40 per case* :
Wine/Beer/Champagne - 146.26% of the CIF value.
Whisky/Cognac/Brandy/Gin/Rum/Vodka - 234.84% of the CIF value.

* 1 case = 9 litre. Pro-rata calculation to be made to determine value where the beverage comes in packages other than cases.

Looks like Indian Liquor Lobby is very Powerful

India Custom's Tariff

Baggage Definition The term "Baggage" is defined as "Baggage that includes unaccompanied baggage but does not include motor vehicles". A passenger (tourist) is required to comply with certain provisions of the Indian Customs Law. The owner of any baggage shall, for the purpose of clearing it make a declaration of its contents to the customs officer (no written declaration is needed and oral declaration is usually acceptable).

The rate of duty and tariff valuation, if any, applicable to the baggage shall be the rate and valuation in force on the date, on which a declaration is made in respect of such baggage. In respect of the goods personally brought in by the passengers it means approximately the retail price of the goods paid abroad (always carry the original invoice/bill to settle the disputes).
  • India Custom Duty on Alcoholic Beverages
    The approximate rates of duty for these items:

  • Taking LCD TV to India : Indian Custom Duty on LCD TV
A tourist is a passenger....
  • Who is not normally a resident in India.
  • Who enters India for a stay of not more than six months in the course of any twelve months period for legitimate non-immigrant purposes, such as - touring, recreation, sports, health, family reasons, study, religious pilgrimage or business.

The prerequisites for treating any articles or goods as baggage is that they were in use of the passenger or were brought and paid for by the passenger.

Personal and household effects are treated as baggage and can be imported freely without any restriction as to the value of the goods. However they should be imported in reasonable quantities. Goods in commercial quantities may be allowed to be imported as baggage based on the merits of the case.

India is making a concerted effort to make the airport experience a better one than historically; this includes attempting to make immigration/emigration and customs procedures simpler and more friendly. 


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